Canola Seed Production Summer Associate - Internship


Freiwilliges Praktikum

Produktion, Beratung / Consulting

Bachelor, Sonstiges

Nächstmöglicher Zeitpunkt


Skopje, Nordmazedonien, Cayman Islands

As a Canola Seed Production Summer Associate, you create chemistry by...

  • Working with growers within your assigned regions in the production of InVigor canola for market.
  • Being involved in all aspects of seed production from seeding to harvest including:
    • Monitoring the health of the crop as it matures
    • Scout fields for weed, disease, and insect pressure.
    • Directly involved in maintaining relationships with growers
    • Providing agronomic advice in relation to certified seed production under the recommendation of the Production Agronomist

If you have...

  • Agronomic knowledge attained through pursuing your degree in Agriculture or through another college combined with experience in the agriculture industry.
  • Attention to detail in delivering results.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

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